Grace’s Beautiful Sunflower Poem


The sunflower,

As bright as the sun,

And as pretty as the moon,

It’s so tall it can reach the stars,

It’s yellow leaves as soft as can be,

Oh, and it’s seed’s as dark as they can be,

Oh, sunflower, sunflower you mean a lot to me.

2 thoughts on “Grace’s Beautiful Sunflower Poem

  1. I love the sunflower poem and how bright and beautiful it is. I also love how anyone can go on the blog and see how we are growing as a class. I will have to remind my parents they can go on it too! I enjoy all the bright colors and love how everything is so easy to access.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. It’s so fun to get comments and know people are reading what you write, isn’t it?! And I loved what you said about how it shows we’re getting better at writing and blogging as a class. I hope you’re having fun with your blog and, I agree, we also need to remind parents to visit our blogs. Maybe I will construct an email to remind them, so they can see all the great stuff we’re doing!

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